Media Opportunities and Operations
Events, Sport, Community, Government
Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race (Rolex)
Communications strategy and programs
Media relations
Media operations and management
Media training
Content creation - for media and owned channels
Communications co-ordination
Issues and crisis management
Media partnerships
Launch events
Event creation input
Social media messaging
Sponsorship leverage
Copy and speech writing
Collateral production management
Project management
Established in 2006, Media Opps specialises in publicity, media relations, media operations and content creation for events, sport, community programs, government projects and sponsors.
In short, we generate media coverage and we manage media interest.
We can also assist with project managing your broader communications plans – from overseeing signage and collateral production to managing messaging for social media or managing suppliers of advertising and creative services.
Blackmores Sydney Running Festival
Media Opps founder Nicole Browne maintains a hands-on involvement in all projects and with all clients, drawing on a network of senior, experienced people as required.
Australian of the Year Awards
We’re an extension of your communications team.
We’re no-nonsense – we focus on what needs to be done, putting a plan together and getting the job done.
We’re flexible and have a can-do attitude.
We produce results.
We know what generates publicity. We also know what the media need to do their job.
We have experience with some of the biggest and most high profile events in Australia and worldwide.
We’ve worked with well-known brands and organisations.
We know our stuff – we each have at least 20 years’ experience in media and publicity.
Sydney International FIFA FanFest